High level overview of the stock-market package.
Research & Analysis driven module, with the aim to help improve a trading decision or optimize a stock portfolio. Market/trend data, market analysis, and financial models are some upcoming work in the making.
- Stocks: Get stocks performances for a date range given a ticker symbol
- IPO: Get IPO related data from MarketWatch and populate new metrics
- Index: Get market indexes (e.g. S&P 500)
- Reddit: Understand the general sentiment around most discussed stocks and topics
- IPO: Analysis on recent and upcoming IPO stocks
- General success metrics on recent IPO bubble.
- Optimal sell day analysis.
- Individual stock performance views.
- Index: Analysis on a market index
- Stock categorization summary by industry.
- Index performance for different periodic times.
- Today’s top and bottom performing stocks.
- Stocks: Analysis on stocks
- Stock net profit calculator: Supposed net gain on a stock for a buy and sell on a specified date period.
- Stock chart comparison between a list of requested stocks to view. Provides quick and easy way to analyze the performance of each stock aligned by a date range.
- Reddit: Analysis on Reddit posts
- Sentiment view of trending Reddit posts in a specified subreddit, leveraging ticker detection and sentiment model from models.
- Classification: Models relating to classification
- Detect Stock: Identifies the ticker being discussed in a given text.
- NLP: Models relating to natural language processing
- NLTK Sentiment: Leverages Vader Lexicon data to evaluate a given text’s sentiment.